Learn Python As a Beginner

kavindu nilshan liyanage
2 min readJul 14, 2022

Is python a good language to learn for beginners?.. The answer is yes. Obviously, python is an excellent programming language to learn as a beginner because it has simple syntax, and python code is easy to understand. But if you have not found the right way it might not be the most straightforward language to learn. If you are seeking an easy way to learn python, This article is for you….

Image related to language
Photo by Hitesh Choudhary on Unsplash

There are tons of youtube videos for learning python but I suggest you follow this video series because I followed the same way and it is surely successful.

video series

If your English knowledge is at a good level this course is perfect for beginner

Mosh ==>> Python Tutorial — Python Full Course for Beginners

If your English knowledge is not good then you can follow this video series which is also an excellent course using simple English.

Telusko ==>>Python for Beginners | Full Course

Photo by Carl Jorgensen on Unsplash

Following just a video series is not enough to learn python. You need to follow the below steps while watching the video series.

  • Make a note by yourself. Do not use others' cheat sheets. Try to make your note in your way with your own words. It will help you to understand the concepts easily.
  • Start coding on Hackrrank python badge. This is an essential thing to do as a beginner. It will give a better understanding of the language and its syntaxes.

Now you have a better understanding of the language. But you need to know how to use that knowledge for a coding problem-solving purpose. You might already hear that python is a great programming language for code in coding competitions. Start doing Hackerrank problem-solving badge It will polish your python knowledge. When you are doing coding problems you will learn new things new algorithms and various coding techniques. Trust me it will make you an expert in the language for sure.

If we have a problem or confusion about python syntaxes or How to do this using python just google it…. but How can you find the best solution among tons of google suggestions. You can use the below websites to find answers to your questions.





But sometimes you might have a question that is very specific to you. Then you can ask it on StackOverflow, experts will answer your question within minutes.

Hope you will learn the amazing python language in an easy manner following this article.

Best Regards….



kavindu nilshan liyanage

Kavindu Nilshan Liyanage: Computer Science Engineering Student | Writing: Programming, Python, Java, Health, Life.